Progressio SGR S.p.A. is an independent private equity firm focused on investing in Italian mid-market companies. The Firm, founded in 2005, is wholly owned by the management team.

Since Inception, Progressio have managed three institutional private equity funds: Progressio Investimenti (vintage 2006, fully liquidated), Progressio Investimenti II (vintage 2010, under management) and Progressio Investimenti III (vintage 2018, under management).

Supporting ambitious growth plans

Our Mission

Our mission is supporting our portfolio companies in ambitious growth plans, ensuring the respect for the planet and human rights and contributing to the improvement and development of the Italian and international entrepreneur scenario. Our aim is creating value not only for the shareholders of the companies in which we invest, but also for the environment, the stakeholders (employees, suppliers, customers) and the local community in which each target is integrated.

Our investment strategy

Our goal is to build a stronger, resilient and inclusive economy by uncovering the hidden champions of Italian excellence and by generating winners through operational improvement and sustainable growth.
We focus on best in class Italian mid market companies, operating in the sectors where Italy has a strong expertise, namely industrial & mechanical, lifestyle, healthcare, food & beverage and digital.
We proactively scout and build meaningful relations with businesses and entrepreneurs that demonstrate untapped potential and we partner with ‘best-in-class’ managers benefitting from their extensive experience, to develop tailored, sector-specific growth strategies.
As such, we leverage on operational improvements (both organic growth and M&A) to create value and to generate a positive socio-economic impact in the communities where our companies operate.
This approach allows us to create well-positioned, rapidly-growing market-leading businesses benefitting from professional management structures, clear strategy and sustainable growth

are the
key factor
to succede.
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